Homeschool Group Studies

Language Arts Classes

Language Arts
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Creative Writing $10.00
During Week 1 of this course, you will learn the different types of creative genre. The week will be devoted to the many forms of poetry. Week 2 will cover fiction, such as drama, plays, screenwriting, short stories and novels. We will discuss non-fiction (journaling, news writing, scrap booking, art & nature journalism, website design and biography) in Week 3. Week 4 will be your chance to shine. You will choose your favorite genre and write in it. Throughout the week, we will offer constructive criticism of each others work and edit & proofread each student’s work. On Friday of Week 4, you will be directed to our class web-page to submit your work for web publishing.

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Pioneer Adventures Series - Reading

Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote a series of children's books known as the Little House series. They tell the tale of what life was like for a late 1800's frontier family through the wondering eyes of a young girl named Laura.These stories portray our nation's history including the songs that were sung, how food was prepared, what toys kids played with, and what dangers existed. The books are both exciting and informative. Each reading adventure group will cover one in the series of nine books. We will do activities and talk about the story, incorporating math, history, home economics and language arts into the unit study.

The Pioneer Adventure Groups are 4 week units and will begin on a monthly  basis. New groups will form the first week of every month. These groups are for all ages. Each session is only $10.00. Please check the book out from the library or see our materials page to purchase a copy.

Book Group Requested
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Parent's Name(s)
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